Innovation at SOM

Nicholas Holt, Technical Director
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill

Speaker Bio
Nicholas Holt is a Technical Director at Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, New York. A firm believer in the benefits of collaborative and empirically based practice models, Mr. Holt approaches design by integrating building systems, sustainable design principles and extensive construction knowledge from the conceptual development of a project through construction documentation and execution. Mr. Holt is a leader in SOM’s High Performance Design Initiative, developing tools by which SOM will meet the net zero carbon, energy, waste, and water goals of the coming years. Mr. Holt is also a Principal at the Center for Architecture Science and Ecology (CASE), a research collaboration between SOM and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Focusing on emergent materials and technologies, CASE blends private sector practicality and academic rigor to develop innovative, award winning technologies for application in buildings. Within SOM, Mr. Holt is a leader in SOM’s firm wide High Performance Design Initiative, an internal think tank that is developing the standards and goals by which SOM will approach the design of High Performance buildings and ultimately meet the net zero carbon, energy, waste, water goals of the coming years. Mr. Holt is also a Principal at the Center for Architecture Science and Ecology (CASE), a research collaboration between SOM and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Focusing on emergent materials and technologies, CASE blends private sector practicality and academic rigor to develop innovative, award winning technologies for application in buildings.

Nicholas Holt (SOM), Alex Serriere (TEECOM), and Jim Wheeler (Ayers Saint Gross) discuss their experiences running Research groups at their respective firms.


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